
Link arms with StoryRunners® to see followers of Christ in communities of faith in every unreached oral people group and in your community!

Engage with an oral bible story

Learn and devotionally process a Bible story through an hour-and-a-half orally-based Bible study

Attend a storytelling training

Get hands-on experience with Bible storytelling through a multi-day workshop.

Go on a college summer mission

Be equipped to use Bible storytelling on a summer mission with StoryRunners and other college students!

Intern for a year

Intern with StoryRunners for a year after college either using your professional degree in our office or as an International Story Trainer who will lead School of Storying projects overseas

Give to StoryRunners®

Help unreached people hear the story of God's love and forgiveness for the first time through a financial gift

Join Our team

Explore full-time careers as missionary staff on the StoryRunners team

Host a School of Storying

Host an international School of Storying among the unreached people group that you currently minister to

Plant Churches

Get equipped to use oral Bible storytelling in your international church planting context